Products/Issues/Marriage/The Heart Handbook

The Heart Handbook

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Our most basic need in life is to be in relationship. We are designed to connect deeply with God and with one another. But any connection we make outside of God's blueprint for love will cause harm to us. Why is it that so many of us struggle to develop and sustain healthy emotional connections? God designed our emotional growth to progress in an orderly manner: - internalizing love - identifying boundaries - integrating hearts - implementing truth. When our development is injured, an emotional deficit is created and we are unable to form or sustain healthy relationships, which underpin our personal, professional and spiritual lives, and the symptoms usually point back to the same place…the heart, where unmet emotional needs are found. The Heart Handbook will encourage and empower you with a concise and straightforward situation, symptom, solution format for identifying and working through negative behavior patterns that hold us hostage to fear, shame and hurt, and that keep us from getting back to the basics of love!