Products/Authors/Steve Arterburn/Every Man's Battle Revised and Updated

Every Man's Battle Revised and Updated

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The groundbreaking guide to winning the battle with sexual temptation--now revised and updated to help men navigate the realities of technology and other contemporary challenges.

From movies and television to print media and the Internet, men are continually bombarded with sensual images and content. It is impossible to avoid temptation, but this book offers a clear and tested strategy for victory.

Millions have found Every Man's Battle an invaluable guide to overcoming the struggle and remaining strong in the face of temptation. With extensive updates, including the latest data on the intersection between brain science and sexuality, this bestseller shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for living with sexual integrity and a godly view of women.

A comprehensive workbook makes this an ideal resource for small groups as well as personal use.